Sales Funnels
Sequences that take customers from cold to hot
Ever felt like a sales funnel is simple “in theory” yet when you sit down to plan it , you can’t quite figure out the crucial sequences and strategy you need? You’re not alone, my friend!
Crafting a sales funnel that creates raving fans isn’t easy. (And if you need further de-coding, the "sales funnel" is a series of automated actions that take your potential customer off of social media, gladly giving you their email in exchange for something they value, and then connecting with them in email about your paid offer.)
Plain old-fashioned experience is invaluable when it comes to calculating money in your pocket. The cost of your offer matters, of course. But the Like-Know-And-Trust Factor and the Client Avatar you are targeting are also crucial considerations in crafting the ideal funnel for your product.
We have over two decades of experience crafting funnels that generate receipts. We know the right questions to ask to create the alchemy of awareness >> sales >> and continued loyalty on socials after purchase.