This month's Easy Actions are brought to you by the 80/20 Rule. (Otherwise known as the Pareto Principle.) Put in a bite sized nugget, the 80/20 Rule is all about where or what or who gives you the biggest impact.
Here's three examples applied to the 3 Pillars of our Relaxed Genius approach to entrepreneurship:✨
💛 Whole Self Care:
We can get so overwhelmed by all the things we could, or "should" be doing to take care of our whole selves, that it defeats the purpose! So instead of feeling guilty or jaded about not taking a bath in the middle of the day, make a list of all the things you already do to take care of yourself in a week. Next, identify what are the 20% on your list that give you 80% of your health benefits? Can you take one month to just focus on and celebrate the "enoughness" of doing these key things? E.g. a 9:30 bedtime, only going on social media 3 times a week, eating protein at breakfast, and going for a walk at the end of the workday.
⚡️ Automations, A.I. and SaaSy Integrations:
Taking this same list approach to your business operations, what are the 20% of your tasks as the CEO that need your personal touch because they have the biggest impact on revenues? Now, how many of the other 80% can either be eliminated, delegated to a VA or A.I., or automated with a template or scheduling tool? If all you do this month is make your list and start to do research on tools to take over the other 80% that you don't need to be doing yourself, this is a WIN!
🚀 Be Your Own Algorithm:
We're using a different application of the 80/20 rule for your social media practice. Have you ever heard the advice (maybe from us!) that you should only be "selling" on social media with an obvious call to action (CTA) 20% of the time? The rest of the 80% you're inspiring, educating, entertaining, or sharing about your mission or behind-the-scenes. Your third easy action is to take a look at your Instagram Feed for the last 6 months. With just an easy scroll, can you see where you're selling? Are you always asking your followers to buy or sign up for something? Perhaps you're never asking them to take an action and you're mostly entertaining them with trending reel gimmicks! (Oh, snap!) Either way, you'll know where you need to amp it up, or take it down a notch.
This month, can you tap into the wisdom of Tim Ferriss, author of The 4-Hour Workweek, who famously gave us the rule of thumb to "eliminate, delegate and automate"? By using the 80/20 rule to evaluate your actions and habits, you're essentially doing preliminary research on what you can do less of, or eliminate altogether.