Imagine building a business that reflects your true self, even if it’s messy, rather than chasing the illusion of a flawlessly curated, cookie-cutter success story. And the algorithm? Whatevs.
How could that NOT light you up and get you excited to “go to work” every day?
Ancient Wisdom, Current Reality
The Bhagavad Gita captures this vision beautifully in Chapter 18:47: "It is better to live your own destiny imperfectly, than to live an imitation of someone else's life with perfection." Similarly, the wisdom from Galatians 5:25-26 also speaks volumes: “...We will not compare ourselves with each other as if one of us were better and another worse... Each of us is an original.”
This timeless wisdom holds relevance today more than ever, especially in the fast-paced economy we find ourselves navigating. The speed of change – driven by mind bending AI innovation – has amplified, and what the world craves now isn’t plug and play templates or mimicry – it’s the real deal. The economy is shifting. On one hand we are eliminating the day-to-day repetition of mundane but essential tasks with automation and AI, while valuing individuality, storytelling, and positive impact on the other.
Let's unpack why your unique expertise, hard-won wisdom, quirks and joys are exactly what the world needs, and how to share your own algorithm – unapologetically.
But first, let’s set the context:
The Rise of the Meaning Economy
There’s a powerful shift happening in today’s economy, and it’s not about fitting into a predefined box of a conventionally accepted marketing niche. People are increasingly choosing brands that feel authentic and resonate with their particular core values – when all other brand factors are the same (i.e. product, price, quality).
Take Laura from Live Free Laura D on Instagram as a prime example. She’s about to hit 200k followers, but not by following the conventional advice of hyper niching. With over 20 years of experience as a content creator, she’s seen the pitfalls of building brands that fit a narrow mold—brands that can burn out when they no longer align with one’s evolving self. Laura’s journey proves it’s way less about choosing a niche with profitability as the primary deciding factor, but rather becoming what she calls a "Niche of One". In this strategy, you align your brand with who you truly are first and foremost -- then the profitability follows. The rapid growth of 170k followers in less than a year for her new brand showcases how the meaning economy rewards those who are taking brave steps towards a more freeform definition of niching. Laura’s story is a great tutorial on how embracing this shift can lead to growth that’s both meaningful and sustainable. And she’s teaching other “soulpreneurs” to do the same.
Then there’s Scott Belsky, whose thought leadership on his blog, Implications, explores the evolution from a creator economy to a ‘meaning economy.’ In a world where AI can mass-produce content at zero cost, Belsky argues that it’s no longer just about churning out more; it’s about crafting a deeper sense of meaning through story, purpose, and authenticity. He emphasizes that as content becomes abundant and commoditized, what sets creators and brands apart is their ability to offer something scarce—meaning. Belsky reminds us that while the science of business is about scaling, the art lies in the things that don’t scale. It’s a shift from the obsession with rapid growth and external metrics to a focus on aligning business with the core essence and story behind it. The meaning economy, as he describes, calls for a balance between using AI tools to automate the mundane while investing human energy into curating tastes and telling better stories. This approach invites businesses to scale not just by numbers but by impact and authenticity.
Lastly, consider Andi Alleman’s transformative work with entrepreneurs through her framework, Identity Architecture. In a landscape where conventional advice still pushes entrepreneurs to shrink down their focus, Founder of Oui We Girl, Andi’s approach breaks the mold. Instead of solely niching down, she guides entrepreneurs to lean into their full story -- what she calls their "you code" -- to create a brand that resonates on a deeper, emotional level. Through her Out of Office Club, she challenges professionals to step back from hustle culture with AI and embrace their unique journeys (informed by Human Design), weaving in their experiences, values, and gifts as integral parts of their brand message.
Be Your Own Algorithm
So, what’s our take at Niche Up Digital? We call it Be Your Own Algorithm (BYOA) – it’s about flipping the script on the Big Platforms’ formulas.
We’re an advertising agency that works primarily with social media ads – so it’s no surprise that we teach our clients to use the social media platform as a tool that serves your business KPIs (Key Performance Indicators), not your business serving the needs of the platform. We believe that by leveraging great organic content that addresses your cold, warm and hot audiences, then leveraging that with paid “stacked storytelling” advertising – you can craft a business based on the Law of Cause and Effect — what you put into the world comes back to you. This BYOA approach is a form of self-compensation, where your authentic self attracts your ideal clients and opportunities, and your voice creates ripple effects.
The best part? There are humans out there who need exactly what it is that you uniquely make or do. How great is it that your service – being you + your offering – fills a gap in someone else’s life?!
Whoa. Niche up?
This leads me to a little story about why we’re called Niche UP. You may have heard the marketing guru advice to niche “down” and get as single focused as possible so as not to confuse your ideal customer. This counsel has some substance to it, but we also think that with the current movement towards the meaning economy where you select who you want to work with based on vibe, authenticity and storytelling, we encourage our clients to accentuate their Niche of One – their particular area of Unique Genius.
Here are some examples we've encountered through our clients and network: the Business Process coach who is also an expert in Human Design and AI, the Refillery who also makes all their own Body Care + sells the raw ingredients for the DIYers, the website designer who also offers Reiki treatments because she tends to work with highly strung entrepreneurs, the children’s author who also designs and sells book bags and backpacks.
The awesome thing is that with great storytelling in your marketing stack, we can leverage your uniqueness with digital advertising – so that you grow your fan base with NEW people, your subscriber list expands, and – you guessed it – you Niche Up to your next level along with your revenues.
Here's how you can start ⬇️
Fun Exercise: Find Your Own Algorithm
1. Take 10 minutes to journal about the activities, values, and moments that truly light you up. What are the experiences that make you feel aligned and authentic?
2. Reflect on the unique intersection between your personal passions and professional genius. What blend of spirit and strategy feels like the most You?
3. Craft a sentence that sums up your personal algorithm—your unique mix of authenticity, expertise, hard-won wisdom and joy. Let this guide your next steps.
By tuning into your inner “algorithm,” you create resonance with your audience that no generic strategy can replicate.
Want More?
If you’re ready to take your unique business and life to the Relaxed Genius level, sign up for our monthly Next Level Scoop (aka our newsletter!)
Each month, you’ll receive easy tips you can integrate into your business in order to actualize the relaxed genius inside of you – because small, positive actions lead to big transformations.
Remember, the world doesn’t need another cookie-cutter entrepreneur – your best clients and customers need you, fully, authentically, and unapologetically.